
The Federal Communication Commission (FCC) identified Lingo Telecom, a Texas-based wireless provider, as the company that transmitted deepfake robocalls impersonating President Biden.


A finance worker in Hong Kong hopped on a video call with, what appeared to be, multiple coworkers and his company’s Chief Financial Officer. Everyone looked and sounded real, but it turns out everyone on the call was a deepfake.


Welcome to AI This Week, Gizmodo’s weekly deep dive on what’s been happening in artificial intelligence.


Gizmodo : Politics

A federal agency is pushing to outlaw AI-generated robocalls after criminals tried to disrupt New Hampshire’s Democratic primary with a deepfake phone call from President Biden.


A new report from CNBC shows that lobbyists connected to the AI industry were quite busy last year. Indeed, in 2023, AI lobbying efforts shot up 185 percent from the previous year.


A series of AI-generated images of Taylor Swift in suggestive and pornographic situations are causing an uproar on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter. Though some of the images have been taken down, others remain on the platform. Swift’s army of fans have embarked on a campaign to bury the images by flooding…


Gizmodo : Politics

Unknown criminals are blasting New Hampshire Democrats with an apparently AI-generated robocall of President Biden in what the state’s Attorney General is calling an “unlawful attempt” to suppress the vote.


When Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web back in 1989, he probably didn’t imagine that his new system would be the repository for all of humanity’s worst impulses, but here we are.

Tech Insider
A pixelated image of a cyber woman
AI is increasingly being used to generate fake nude images.