Gizmodo : Environment

A Falcon 9 lit up the Florida skies Monday night in what is now a very familiar scene.


Twitter-like apps don’t seem to be doing too hot as of late. Ever since billionaire Tesla CEO Elon Musk bought the blue bird app back in October, a wave of controversy has caused a massive decline in users.


In a not-so-surprising, sudden reversal, Elon Musk walked back on plans to completely end free access to Twitter’s application programming interface (API) over the weekend.

Gizmodo : Environment

More than 2,300 people have been killed and thousands more injured in Turkey and Syria after a series of earthquakes hammered the region already beset by civil war and a refugee crisis on Monday, according to the Associated Press.


The maiden voyage of India’s Small Satellite Launch Vehicle didn’t go as planned in 2022, but the country’s space agency is ready for a re-attempt, with the rocket slated to blast off on Thursday. Meanwhile, SpaceX is hoping to launch a communications satellite on Monday.



After around an hour of deliberations, a nine-person-jury in San Fransisco sided with Tesla CEO Elon Musk and said the billionaire was not liable for millions of dollars worth of losses investors laid at his feet following his infamous 2018 “funding secured” tweet about Tesla.


OpenAI has announced the launch of a paid version of ChatGPT that, for $20 a month, will allow you to...uh, keep using ChatGPT, I guess.


Gizmodo : Technology

Twitter CEO Elon Musk announced he was making his Twitter account private early on Wednesday to determine the level of engagement his tweets received.

Gizmodo : Economy

Tesla’s big, bold billion-and-a-half-dollar bet on bitcoin’s “long-term-potential” is starting to look more and more like a dud.

Gizmodo : Technology

OpenAI, the artificial intelligence company behind viral text-generator ChatGPT, has released a new AI tool intended to help manage the mess wrought by its previous creation. Unfortunately, it’s not very good.