Tech Insider : Economy
Xi Jinping standing on a pile of microchips with the Cinese stars on top
China's push to develop its AI industry could usher in a dystopian era of division unlike any we have ever seen before.

For technology to change the global balance of power, it needn't be new. It must simply be known.

Tech Insider : Economy
Biden, Xi
US President Joe Biden (R) and China's President Xi Jinping (L) meet on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Nusa Dua on the Indonesian resort island of Bali on November 14, 2022.
Tech Insider : Economy
A globe wrapped in plastic
Americans produce 40 million tons of plastic waste each year. And it has to go somewhere.
Tech Insider : Economy
A triptych of Trump, Xi, and Biden attending separate conferences.
With both Biden and Trump expected to keep pushing against China, one rising theory is that Beijing can at least hope Trump's unpredictability gives it opportunities on the world stage.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Elon Musk sitting on a red Tesla, with a business shoe and red pant leg adorned with yellow stars in the foreground
China's EV ascendance has sparked a fight that is forcing American companies to rethink their whole strategy.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Animated GIF depicting a hand shrinking a map of China with a Chinese flag

2024 is the year of the incredible shrinking China.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Xi Jinping portrait cracking with yellow background
China has reached the end of its economic boom. What comes next should worry every American business — and the rest of the world.

We've reached the end of an era for the Chinese economy.

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
A chart with two white arrows as the xy axis shows a a yellow arrow whose gradual decline peels away at China's flag and unveils a concerned Xi Jiping
Chinese President Xi Jinping and the Chinese government are making key economic data disappear — that should be a warning sign for the rest of the world.

China's economy is turning into a big black blob.