
Google CEO Sundar Pichai upheld the company’s decision to pay out billions of dollars to remain the top global search engine at the U.S. anti-trust trial on Monday, according to a report from The Wall Street Journal.


Android 14 is already available for Pixel phone owners and is rolling out to other handsets as we speak—and while it doesn’t include a plethora of new features, there are some cool upgrades for your handset that are worth making use of. We’ve picked out 5 of our favorites that you should try out as soon as Android 14…


Android users rejoice, you’re finally being treated with the dignity you deserve. Google announced a couple of cool things at their Pixel event today. One of the smaller announcements that stood out was regarding the software policy for the Pixel 8.


For the decade that the Chromebook line of ultra-cheap laptops has been around, the company has left the ChromeOS-based design to linger without many major updates. Now the tech giant is here with Chromebook Plus touting a new hardware standard and a few software tweaks the company promises will be a step up for…



If you bought a Chromebook recently, you can now expect to hold on to it for at least a decade. Google announced Thursday that, beginning next year, any Chromebooks released in 2021 and beyond will get ten years of automatic updates.


The European Union is now coming out and saying what they, and everybody else, already knows. The six big tech companies, including Alphabet (Google), Amazon, Apple, ByteDance, Meta, and Microsoft, are the six big “gatekeepers” of our modern online ecosystem. These companies now have to make sure that all of the 22…



Two months before many users’ initial Pixel Pass subscription was supposed to come due, Google is altering the nature of the agreement, canceling the service altogether, and letting customers loose with some discounted subscriptions and a $100 pity prize.