Tech Insider
A group of writers on strike hold signs outside of an office building with a Netflix logo in the background.
Several writers on strike shared experiences struggling financially while working on shows that were nominated for or won awards.
Tech Insider
Two people walking in Miami, Florida
Miami is one of the top US cities for billionaires, with 12 in residence.
Tech Insider

It's tech (and tax) Tuesday, friends. I'm Diamond Naga Siu, and I'm back from spending time with family abroad.

Tech Insider : Economy
Bird's eye view over Manhattan. New York City
New York City's population has been steadily declining since 2016.
Tech Insider
Storyboard artist McKenzie Bugg headshot
McKenzie Bugg says artists get treated like the bottom of the barrel by some streamers and networks.
Tech Insider
Collapsed roof of Crestline's Goodwin and Sons Market
Conditions in the San Bernardino mountains were grim during the historic storm that left Californians in emergency mode.