
The FBI has reportedly been dealing with a malicious hacking attempt on its systems. It’s still unclear just which systems were compromised and for how long.


Gizmodo : Technology

After months of reports of Bluetooth tracking devices like Apple’s AirTags being used to stalk people for miles, one of the first companies to popularize these trackers, Tile, is adding a feature that will make its devices “undetectable” to the company’s own app that scans for nearby unwanted devices.


Federal prosecutors are squinting pretty hard, trying to keep an eye on what the failed FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried has been doing while he’s been ordered by the court to live under his parents’ roof. The young crypto founder has reportedly been accessing the internet using a VPN, and the U.S. Attorneys Office is…


Where does Wikipedia, the world’s most-visited repository of information on the internet, stand without guaranteed digital liability protections? It’s a question weighing heavy on the people who make up the Wikimedia Foundation, the nonprofit organization that administers the site containing 58 million articles in…


Gizmodo : Economy

It’s 2023 and financial crimes and their consequences have officially come to cryptocurrency. Relatively new on the laundry list of blockchain-based offenses that can lead directly to jail: insider trading.


A neo-Nazi leader and a Maryland woman planned to attack electrical substations, which form the interface between the distribution grid and transmissions systems, around Baltimore in an attempt to permanently “lay this city to waste,” according to the FBI.



A judge in Colombia used the artificial intelligence software, ChatGPT, in a medical rights case for a child diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).