
I’m pretty sure we all saw this coming. Why would Apple, out of all companies, not participate in, as Gizmodo reporter Kyle Barr puts it, the AI-ification of everything? During an earnings call, Apple CEO Tim Cook said he thinks there is a “huge opportunity for Apple with generative AI and AI,” hinting that the…


This story is part of our new Future of Gaming series, a three-site look at gaming’s most pioneering technologies, players, and makers.



As Apple continues to struggle with what exactly to do with its overpriced Vision Pro, discussions behind the scenes reportedly included using the mixed-reality headset to diagnose—and potentially treat—mental health.


Apple is trying to give those who purchase the $3,500 Vision Pro headset as much bang for their buck as possible, even if that means dragging all the apps from its other app ecosystems over to its first mixed reality headset.