Gizmodo : Environment

It’s raining space junk. Just one month after NASA admitted that a piece of trash tossed from the International Space Station (ISS) crash-landed through a home in Florida, a massive piece of space debris ended up on a farm in Canada.



NASA plays nicely with privately owned SpaceX, but is that something to be concerned about?


SpaceX, the world leader in rocket launches, is increasingly coming under scrutiny for its workplace practices. A recent safety review performed by Reuters highlights an upsetting trend at the aerospace company. For the second year in a row, injury rates at SpaceX far exceed the industry average. This is according to…



Elon Musk has spent his entire career making predictions about the future. Some of those ideas have panned out—mostly thanks to his brilliant team of people at SpaceX.


Elon Musk helped publicize a claim that “illegals” are registering to vote in several U.S. states on Tuesday. But, like so many of Musk’s tweets on X recently, the billionaire’s fearmongering crumbles under the smallest amount of scrutiny. And in this case, the state of Texas is calling bullshit.


Elon Musk has spent the better part of a year complaining about “illegal immigrants” who are “invading” the country.


This week’s big tech news stories took a different look at the world.