Tech Insider
Elliott Harrell's kids at the grocery store, in a cart and grabbing ketchup from a shelf.
Elliott Harrell now shops with her kids in a grocery store instead of using grocery delivery services.
Tech Insider
Woman wanted her name to be in Spanish
The author's dad is Chilean and went by a Spanish and English version of his name.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Melissa Noble (middle) and her friends while having a picnic in Bhutan.
Melissa Noble (middle) and her friends while having a picnic in Bhutan.
Tech Insider
Marcia Naomi Berger wearing pearls and a sweater and smiling.
Marcia Naomi Berger is the author of "The Bipolar Therapist: A Journey from Madness to Love and Meaning."
Tech Insider
Louisa Rogers with her husband, right, and one of their friends.
Louisa Rogers and her husband Barry, right, enjoy hanging out with friends together.

Last week, my friend Robbie and I cycled along a bike path for about three miles, then locked our bikes and walked through brush to a small beach. No one was around, so I had a nude dip, and afterward, we sat on a rock and talked.

Tech Insider
Pauline Milner and her husband have been married for 25 years
The author, left, met her husband, right, when they were coworkers.
Tech Insider
Couple not married posing with art
The author (left) and her partner have been together for 12 years and have no plans on getting married.
Tech Insider
a couple kissing in the background with a dog in the foreground
The author, not pictured, isn't a fan of dogs.