Tech Insider
Google sign outside San Francisco office
A Google employee in the San Francisco office told The Atlantic that Google removed office snacks like dried mango, chips, and M&Ms.
Tech Insider
A woman makes a phone call in a separate area that has been set up to allow for undisturbed phone calls and working, in the hallway of the coworking rooms.
Companies are adding more "quiet rooms" for employees to recharge.
Tech Insider
Andy Jassy
Andy Jassy said working from home isn't "the best long-term approach" in a letter to shareholders Thursday.
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Goldman Sachs
Office loan delinquencies could fuel the next stage of the US regional banking crisis, Goldman Sachs has warned.
Tech Insider

Hi, I'm Matt Turner, the editor in chief of business at Insider. Welcome back to Insider Today's Sunday edition, a roundup of some of our top stories. 

Tech Insider
An Amazon logo on the side of a building.
"It's crazy because Amazon will probably think I'm quitting because I want to work from home, but it's actually the opposite," an employee told Insider.
Tech Insider
An Amazon program manager who has never set foot in the office says she dreads the enforcement of Andy Jassy's return-to-office mandate come May.
Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Illustration of a figure in profile filled with a vibrantly colored city and light beams emanating from a window, surrounded by grey smoke
City downtowns aren't doomed — the rise of remote work is about to spark the Big City Renaissance.

America's great cities are in a precarious spot.