Gizmodo : Environment

We all know how the story goes: a large asteroid falls to Earth from space, slamming into the Yucatán Peninsula with 100 million megatons of force.

Gizmodo : Environment

Communities throughout the East Coast woke up to a cold blast of air, as temperatures dropped below freezing overnight. Even people in the overheated South needed to break out their warm-weather apparel today.


Tech Insider : Environment
A baby sea turtle leaves its nest in florida
Most of the baby sea turtles being born in Florida are girls.
Gizmodo : Environment

A wildfire in Southern California has burned more than 2,000 acres and prompted more than 4,000 people in Riverside County to evacuate.


Gizmodo : Environment

Say ‘see ya’ to Scott’s oriole, a black and yellow bird native to the Southwestern U.S. The bird isn’t going anywhere—but its moniker is to be nixed, along with the terms for many other birds named for individuals with less-than-illustrious histories.


Gizmodo : Environment

The climate crisis is making weather unpredictable. It’s hotter for longer and we’re seeing extreme precipitation changes. New research shows that, if we don’t lower emissions, climate change is going to boost water and power demand for cities facing these weather changes.


Gizmodo : Environment

From capturing precious asteroid samples and exploring volcanic moons to navigating mysterious toxic blobs and portraying fictional Space Force battles, October was a captivating month in spaceflight and space exploration, as these images attest.


Gizmodo : Environment

The first cats were domesticated thousands of years ago, but we still don’t seem to have much control over them. Many people let their cats come and go as they please, perhaps forgetting—or not caring—that domestic cats kill billions of birds and mammals each year. Over half of pet cats in the U.S.