Tech Insider
A delivery driver checks his phone near a trunk full of shopping bags.
A delivery driver in Arkansas says she's noticed that customers in higher-income neighborhoods tend to tip less than those in lower-income apartments.
Tech Insider
Amish men driving a horse and buggy on a country road.
Amish men driving a horse and buggy on a country road.

Every few years there is some terrible new status symbol that becomes ubiquitous and, thus, inescapable.

Tech Insider
A shopper wearing a baseball cap loads several cases of bottled water onto an orange flat-bed cart at a Costco store.
Shoppers for Instacart, Walmart Spark, and other gig delivery services say batching orders weighs down their earnings.
Tech Insider
A recent Youtube video shows delivery workers waiting in the parking lot of an Arizona Walmart with perishable foods sitting in the sun.
A recent YouTube video appears to show delivery workers waiting in the parking lot of an Arizona Walmart with perishable foods sitting in the sun.
Tech Insider
Candais Pipkin, produce department manager, wheels a cart of pineapples across a Walmart store.
Walmart store managers will see a pay increase starting in February.

For the past few years, a growing number of users, analysts, and experts raised alarms about a truth that feels obvious to a lot of people who surf around in web browsers: the quality of Google results is in serious decline.


Don’t ring the funeral bells just yet, but the self-checkout kiosk horror show could be nearing its end. So far, the grand experiment in robot cashiers is an abject failure. Stores across the country are reversing course on the machines, and consensus is growing among analysts and insiders that self-checkout has been…