Tech Insider
gritty yellow ring with speckled solid rock sample inside
The Cheyava Falls rock sample inside Perseverance's drill bit.
Tech Insider
Elon Musk
SpaceX founder Elon Musk has had a longtime fascination with Mars.
Tech Insider
Illustration of the Pulsed Plasma Rocket blasting off in space with Earth in the distance
Once fully developed, the Pulsed Plasma Rocket could blast through space at 100,000 miles per hour.
Gizmodo : Environment

The Perseverance rover has been toiling on the Martian surface for over three years, collecting rock samples that will eventually be brought to Earth if all goes according to plan. But the rover has also picked up hitchhikers, in the form of traces of Martian atmosphere that are squeezed into the “headspace” of the…


Gizmodo : Environment

Things can get lonely on Mars. NASA’s four-wheeled robot has been roaming the Red Planet for more than three years, trekking across the harsh terrain on its own after losing its pal Ingenuity. But perhaps the Martian rover has found a way to connect with us from 140 million miles away.

Gizmodo : Environment

A recent outburst from the Sun sent a strong blast of charged particles and radiation towards Mars, allowing scientists to get a rare glimpse at how these events unfold on planets other than Earth.