
Humans have been launching rockets to space for nearly 80 years, yet it feels as though we’ve only hit the tip of the iceberg in terms of what’s possible. These upcoming rockets provide a promising glimpse of what we can expect during the next era of spaceflight.



Researchers from the University of Arizona have developed a possible new way of scouting for real estate on other planets: tiny robots that drop digital breadcrumbs while exploring Martian caves. It’s a method ripped straight from folklore.


Tech Insider
The image shows three panels. The one on the left, from March 2022, shows a Chinese rover in the top center. The center panel shows the rover in the bottom center on September 8, 2022. The right panel, from February 7, 2023, shows that the rover has not moved from its location on September 8.
NASA reconnaissance hasn't seen signs of life from the Chinese rover since it went into hibernation.
Tech Insider
British ESA astronaut Tim Peake listens to a fan after attending
British astronaut Tim Peake discussed creating safe habitats on Mars.
Gizmodo : Environment

China’s Zhurong rover appears to still be snoozing since entering into hibernation mode a little less than a year ago. The Chinese robot was supposed to wake up in December but recent images captured by a NASA orbiter reveal that the rover hasn’t moved from its position on the Martian surface for months.


Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s Perseverance rover has spent its two years on Mars imaging the planet’s surface and collecting rock samples that will, should all go well, be brought to Earth in the early 2030s.


Tech Insider
A boy shops for M&M's chocolate candies at the M&M's World store in New York
Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s Curiosity rover recently spotted some of the most compelling evidence yet of ancient water on Mars, in the form of rippled rocks shaped by waves.