
Blue Origin has revealed a life-sized model of its upcoming lunar cargo lander, Blue Moon Mark 1 (MK1), achieving a significant step in its plans to facilitate cargo transport to the Moon’s surface.


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NASA is considering alternative ways to bring back samples from Mars after its budget and schedule for the sample return mission was deemed unrealistic in a recent report by an independent review board.



NASA is considering reducing the budget for the Chandra X-Ray Observatory and Hubble Space Telescope as the space agency grapples with its spending for the upcoming year.


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The OSIRIS-REx canister still contains the bulk of the asteroid sample inside, but pieces of the ancient space rock found on the outside have already shown evidence of organic matter embedded within tiny bits of debris.


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After staying on board the International Space Station (ISS) for more than a year, NASA astronaut Frank Rubio has finally returned home with a new record of the longest single spaceflight by a U.S. astronaut.


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The findings from an independent review board suggest that NASA’s quest to return samples from Mars is riddled with challenges and seemingly impossible to accomplish under the current cost and schedule expectations.



NASA wrapped up a year-long investigation into hundreds of sightings of Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP), and its independent study team released a 36-page report that was largely inconclusive. The space agency is not letting up, however, assigning a director of research into the unidentified phenomena and…



More than 50 years ago, the Apollo program was crafted as a result of rising political tensions between two competing nations. As a new group of countries and emerging space companies set their eyes on the Moon once more, they aren’t going back for national pride but rather to further their space ambitions beyond the…


Gizmodo : Environment

For more than two years, NASA’s Perseverance rover has been roaming Mars, drilling for rock samples that may hold clues to ancient life on the Red Planet, but the six-wheeled robot can only travel so far. Luckily, the rover recently got some extra help from a river that once flowed on the surface of Mars.


NASA is likely to face some serious money issues in the upcoming year that could affect the space agency’s science program, but not its Artemis Moon plans. At the same time, NASA’s wildly expensive Mars Sample Return mission is now under some very serious Senatorial scrutiny, with its future potentially in doubt.