
If you’re a new iPad owner, you’re probably curious about some basic things you’re too shy to ask about. We’ve compiled a guide of basic everyday actions you should know as a new iPad owner. Each of these is incredibly useful in enhancing productivity and saving time.



Restarting your iPad is good practice for when it isn’t performing as usual. Giving it a quick reboot helps refresh its RAM and optimizes its performance. But sometimes, your iPad acts up and does not want to cooperate. In such circumstances, you’d have to force restart it.



Just as screenshotting on an iPad works, screen recording is a great way to capture the action on your tablet. Unlike a screenshot, a screen recording can get ongoing activity for a relatively longer time instead of capturing just a static image. Another good thing about screen recordings is that they also capture…


Every website you visit installs trackers onto your computer and slows it down subtly. These are called cookies and cached data, which work to track your activity if you regularly visit the same site.

Tech Insider
Apple CEO Tim Cook introduces Apple's new iPad during an event at Lane Tech College Prep High School on March 27, 2018 in Chicago, Illinois.
Apple CEO Tim Cook might be making a bet on cheaper iPads that serve as smart home devices.
Tech Insider
Children Ipads
Apple is reportedly releasing new iPad Pros, the product's first major upgrade in years.

Using your iPad as a second screen for your Mac is a great way to enhance productivity. For instance, if you’re editing a film, you can view your content in full screen on your Mac and use your iPad for the editing panels. Or you can make use of Apple Pencil functionality on your iPad and use your Mac to display your…


Even if some of us have no idea what online cookies are, we accept a ton of them every day. Not only are they a privacy concern, but they also take up memory on your device.



Forgetting your iPad passcode can be a hassle. You could easily get locked out of it because there’s also a limit to how many times you can enter a different four- and six-digit combo. Once you hit that limit, your iPad is disabled.



With the goldfish memory I have, I leave my iPhone in the strangest places and forget where I saw it last. I’ve recovered my phone from the kitchen cabinets, inside dressing table drawers, and the closet. Thankfully, I’ve never had it stolen, but I’d want to be prepared for that, too.