
A California bill that attempts to regulate large frontier AI models is creating a dramatic standoff over the future of AI. For years, AI has been divided into “accel” and “decel”.


Despite the fact that they’re created by humans, large language models are still quite mysterious. The high-octane algorithms that power our current artificial intelligence boom have a way of doing things that aren’t outwardly explicable to the people observing them.


Despite dedicating years of innovation and research toward convincing consumers to buy electric vehicles, automakers are still grappling with a lack of charging infrastructure across the United States.


Google began blocking access to California news outlets for some users in the state, according to an announcement from the tech giant on Friday.


A new law in California gives consumers the power to do something meaningful about the companies buying and selling their data for the very first time. On Tuesday, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed the Delete Act into law, introducing a number of provisions that beef up state privacy regulations.


The death of Dianne Feinstein, one of America’s longest serving, most trailblazing female politicians, has set off a race to fill her seat in the U.S. Senate.


Once it became clear the Hollywood strikes would be going on longer than anyone initially believe, Democratic senators in California wrote up a bill to compensate workers on strike.