Tech Insider
dyson sphere
Scientists still haven't found proof that Dyson spheres exist, but a new study has significantly narrowed the search for these super-advanced alien megastructures.
Tech Insider
A black and white portrait of Albert Einstein on the left, and James Webb's deep field image on the right.
Albert Einstein's (left) general theory of relativity has been proven by countless studies of the nearby universe. But in deep space (right) it appears to glitch.
Tech Insider
eclipse glasses
If you can't get your hands on a pair of eclipse glasses before April 8, don't panic! There are other ways to watch the eclipse safely.
Tech Insider
A man and woman take a selfie while wearing solar eclipse glasses.
To make your eclipse selfies pop, make sure to wear a red and green outfit.
Tech Insider
On the left, a man sits at his work desk with his back turned toward the camera. On the right, a woman smiles up at the sky wearing eclipse glasses.
Don't end up stuck at work during the total solar eclipse on Monday! It's an event you won't want to miss.
Tech Insider
Copet 12P/Pons-Brooks streaking across a dark, starry sky with a bright yellow star shining on the upper left.
Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks glows green as it streaks through space with bright star Hamal shining in the background. You might be able to spot this comet during the total solar eclipse.
Tech Insider : Travel
Moon eclipses the sun with whispy white clouds in the foreground against a darkened, grey sky
Depending on your location this April, the moon will completely eclipse the sun — what's called "duration of totality" — for over 4 minutes.
Tech Insider : Technology
Collage of stellar nurseries
A very young star forming within the dark cloud L1527 (top left), the "Cosmic Cliffs" (top right), the Tarantula Nebula (bottom left), and the Chameleon I molecular cloud (bottom right).
Tech Insider : Technology
satellite against backdrop of space
MethaneSAT is the first of a new wave of satellites designed to pinpoint sources of methane emissions.
Tech Insider : Environment, Technology
Side by side images show an illustration of a satellite burning up on re-entry over the Earth and rainbow-colored clouds.
An illustration of satellite re-entry next to a picture of polar stratospheric clouds.