
The Flipper Zero has been under scrutiny ever since last month when Canadian officials claimed that it was to blame for a rise in car thefts in the country and proposed a ban on the popular (and cheap) penetration-testing device.



The Flipper Zero may be one of the most versatile, and most controversial keychain-sized devices ever put to market. The device can scan, receive, send, and mimic several types of signals. It can scan NFC and RFID signals used by many common products. It can replicate the frequency used for your workplace’s ID card.…


If there’s one thing to say about the $169 Flipper Zero, it’s that it’s really damn cute. When the Flipper is idling, the cyber dolphin that appears in all the apps and product materials as the device’s mascot can be found lounging around, making sly references to older movies.


The creators behind the popular Flipper Zero multi-tool device have teamed up with computing renegade Raspberry Pi to create a video game integration that will turn your Flipper into a low-key game controller.


I told you. It appears that the government of Canada is going to ban the Flipper Zero, the tiny, modular hacking device that’s become popular with techies for its deviant digital powers. On Thursday, following a summit that focused on “the growing challenge of auto theft in Canada,” the country’s Minister of…