Tech Insider : Politics, Politics
us woman in military
Amid US military recruiting challenges, Congress is debating whether to require some US women to register for the draft.
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Ukrainian soldiers defending the front line in Vovchansk on May 20.
Ukrainian soldiers defending the front line in Vovchansk on May 20, 2024.
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A soldier holds up a sign saying
A US service member demonstrates against "don't ask, don't tell."
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bea arthur 1988 emmys
Bea Arthur served in the Marine Corps Women's Reserve.
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North Korean military
A North Korean woman and soldiers near the North Korean town of Sinuiju.
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Tanks are the apex predator on Ukraine's battlefields, with modern Western tanks facing off against Soviet-designed relics. But which country has the power?

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Photo collage of Drones, and American soldiers.

A Russian infantry vehicle darts across a war-torn field, trying to outrun a small Ukrainian drone. But there's no escaping this peculiar weapon: a high-speed, highly maneuverable flying IED.