Tech Insider : Politics
Melania Trump at the 2024 Republican National Convention
Melania Trump waved to attendees at the Republican National Convention in July.
Tech Insider
Four slices of pie on clear-glass plates, in rows of two. The plates sit on a light-brown table with a serving utensil to the left of them.
I compared pumpkin pies from Safeway, Costco, Kroger, and Walmart to see which I liked best.
Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Side by side photos of Royal Caribbean (L) and Carnival (R) room selfies
Joey (L) and Monica (L) in their rooms.
Tech Insider
Boxes of Smarties in a tin; Deli meat with macaroni pasta and chunks of cheese in it
When I moved to the US, I missed Canadian foods like Smarties and mac-and-cheese meat.
Tech Insider
Kate Middleton smiles in a purple dress.
Kate Middleton announced that she finished chemotherapy.
Tech Insider
Kate Middleton at Wimbledon 2024.
Kate Middleton announced she has finished chemotherapy.