
We here at Gizmodo do not normally endorse vandalism of any kind, but we’re making an exception this time for two reasons. First, Matt Gray isn’t actually causing any permanent damage—the upgrades are easily removable.


Since the Mac mini's debut in 2005, it's been Apple's affordable small form factor trooper. Need something cheap to pair with an old monitor? Just get the Mac mini! Want to start a low-power media server, or a computer right near your TV? Mini, baby. The line has had its share of ups and downs — the 2014 refresh was criticized for replacing a quad-core model with a dual-core chip, the 2018 update had notoriously weak graphics — but it made a full recovery with the M1-powered model in 2021.


It’s been a while since I’ve been on a Chromebook. I was a dedicated user of the Google Pixelbook when it launched. Its 2-in-1 form factor fit my life surprisingly well, and I even turned it into a podcasting machine on the go. But then the laptop started aging out, and I needed something that could handle video and…


Your digital files, from photos of your family to your financial records, are likely to be very important to you. So it’s essential that they’re well secured... and well secured means going above and beyond just putting a password on your laptop or a passcode on your phone. There are plenty of other security…


When it comes to the phone apps you rely on every day, from web browsing to email, you might not think too much about switching off the defaults that come with your phone. But the app stores on both Android and iOS are packed with a wealth of alternatives that are worth checking out. Spending some time looking at what…

Gizmodo : Politics

The White House is facing mounting pressure from Congress to ban the widely popular TikTok app nationwide after Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) and Congressman Ken Buck (R-CO) introduced a piece of legislation on Wednesday to curb its use.


Android users in India will soon have more control over their devices, thanks to a court ruling. Beginning next month, Indian Android wielders can choose a different billing system when paying for apps and in-app smartphone purchases rather than default to going through the Play Store. Google will also allow Indian…


Digital recyclers are having a hard time breaking into secondhand Macbooks that have retailed for as much $3,000. The problem? The laptops won’t let anyone other than the owner log in even after a wipe, so now these perfectly good computers are being sold for scrap.



It’s not just you. Microsoft 365 services, including popular apps like Outlook and Teams, are down in countries throughout the world. Microsoft is aware of the problem and has rolled out fixes to address it.



The next version of Android isn’t due out until late this year, but it’s as good a time as any to start sniffing around for what’s to come. A recent edit to the Android 14 source code shows that Google is working on stricter API requirements to prevent Android users from installing old apps.