Gizmodo : Environment

After NASA’s Moon-faring, water-hunting probe faced an untimely demise before it was ever able to reach its final destination, mission scientists have officially declared that clogged propellant lines led to the mission’s failure.

Tech Insider
BRP Sierra Madre
The Philippines deliberately ran the Sierra Madre, a World War II-era warship, aground in 1999 to reinforce its sovereignty claims in the South China Sea.
Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter has had a rough few months, first losing communication with its home planet and later suffering a glitch that interrupted its flight. But you can’t keep a good chopper down. Ingenuity soared above the Martian terrain once again as its team on Earth tries to figure out what went wrong with…

Tech Insider : Economy, Politics
Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn/Hon Hai
Terry Gou, founder of Foxconn — a key supplier to Apple — warned of a US stock market collapse should war break out over Taiwan.
Gizmodo : Environment

NASA’s Voyager 2 spacecraft, currently 12.4 billion miles (19.9 billion kilometers) from Earth, has phoned home, essentially telling mission controllers that the recent rumors of its impending death have been greatly exaggerated. The ongoing communications problem, however, remains unresolved.


Gizmodo : Environment

A routine sequence of commands has triggered a 2-degree change in Voyager 2’s antenna orientation, preventing the iconic spacecraft from receiving commands or transmitting data back to Earth, NASA announced earlier today.

Tech Insider : Politics, Economy
Xi Jinping and Joe Biden shake hands.
A Speedo vs 'outdated swimwear' analogy has officially entered the US-China tech war conversation.
Tech Insider : Economy
Rohit Chopra, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, testifies before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs committee during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Thursday, December 15, 2022.
Rohit Chopra, Director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.