Tech Insider : Economy
Two watchful eyes over an employee.
Return-to-office mandates indicate a failure of imagination on the part of management and a refusal to do the work necessary to create a positive company culture.
Tech Insider : Economy
A propoganda style illustration of blue collar workers hands raised
Jobs like nursing, plumbing, and hair-cutting will be safe from AI. And certain blue-collar industries are even booming.
Tech Insider : Economy
A conga line of franchise characters.
Media companies are in the business of selling nostalgia — and it's because Americans are lonely.
Tech Insider : Economy
A dollar cake is being cut up by old and wealthy people.
Boomers are rolling in financial assets. But they are probably going to spend all their savings before they can pass anything down to their children.
Tech Insider : Economy
Tech bro appearing disinterested while working in an office setting, with a chain linking their hand and briefcase.
Employee satisfaction among tech workers has plummeted, falling in line with workers in finance and consulting — industries that often compete for the same pool of talent.
Tech Insider : Economy
Large hand holding a small bag of money that is disappearing
Four new surveys suggest that the average raise is going to be smaller next year — and things may get get even worse in 2025.
Tech Insider : Economy
A blueprint drawing of a college degree
Customized majors are on the rise as Gen Z students worried about the future of the job market turn to build-your-own degree programs.