Gizmodo : Environment

After already having their pool sizes reduced in Las Vegas, Nevada residents may be facing some new water rules: getting their taps turned off if they use too much water. A new bill introduced in the state Assembly last month would allow the Southern Nevada Water Authority to limit how much water its customers in the…


Another bank fails, and the anti-regulation apologists are quick to follow. Tech startup darling Silicon Valley Bank’s utter collapse this past week and the U.S. government’s quick bailout was one for the record books, but one Wall Street Journal writer seems to think that SVB was “distracted” by having a board with…

Gizmodo : Politics

The House Judiciary Committee announced Wednesday that it had subpoenaed several of the biggest tech CEOs in the U.S., from Microsoft, Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, and Meta, for documents and communications related to more vague and so-far unfounded hints of government “collusion.”



Frank Lloyd Wright was not only known for his iconic architectural creations like the groundbreaking Fallingwater house and the Guggenheim Museum, but also for designing many of the complementary furniture pieces found inside them.