
In a few short days, Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire hits theaters, continuing the story and franchise that began way back in 1984. At that time Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, and Ernie Hudson just thought they were in a dumb, fun horror comedy, but in the decades that followed, Ghostbusters became more.


The next generation of ghost busting begins in a new Frozen Empire clip. Netflix drops another cryptic look at its adaptation of Three Body Problem. Plus, Disney’s Bambi remake loses its director. Spoilers now!



Evil! This week there’s a lot of it, whether it’s seeming confirmation as to just who Emma Corrin will play in Deadpool and Wolverine, or Star Wars subtly and not so subtly reminding us that the Jedi Order really did go off the rails with all that systemic rot. Also evil: the way Bill Skarsgård looks in the new Crow…



Everything’s on ice in the new Ghostbusters: Afterlife posters. The Boys sets the return date for season 4. Hilary Swank doesn’t think she’ll be coming to Cobra Kai’s final season. Plus, what’s coming on Halo. To me, my spoilers!



Once Star Wars: The Force Awakens brought back Luke, Han, and Leia to massive box office success, legacy sequels really started working overtime to keep the original (and available) franchise stars around when possible.