Gizmodo : Environment

Engineers are cooking up a new clean energy solution: charging up crystals with solar energy to temperatures of 1,832 degrees Fahrenheit (1,000 degrees Celsius), potentially making them a greener substitute for the carbon-intensive processes that smelt steel and cook cement.


Gizmodo : Environment

Many places in the Midwest and northern United States could shrink drastically by the turn of the century, according to a new study based on five climate scenarios. By the same token, according to the researchers, the populations of 40% of U.S. cities could grow by 2100.


Gizmodo : Environment

Our global carbon budget to avoid permanently reaching 1.5 degrees of warming is smaller than we previously thought, new research says.

Gizmodo : Environment

The climate crisis is making weather unpredictable. It’s hotter for longer and we’re seeing extreme precipitation changes. New research shows that, if we don’t lower emissions, climate change is going to boost water and power demand for cities facing these weather changes.


Gizmodo : Environment

Global climate shifts this year are likely to disrupt food production throughout the world, straining food security worldwide.

Gizmodo : Environment

Global climate extremes are adding up, and scientists are warning with renewed urgency that both natural and human systems are at risk of collapse.

Gizmodo : Environment

Tree planting projects seem like a great climate solution—lots of trees can sequester lots of carbon that would otherwise be warming the atmosphere. But, surprise surprise, it turns out you can’t just plop any old tree into the ground and expect to reap environmental benefits, new research finds.


Gizmodo : Environment

Mammals are halfway through their era on this planet. We’ve existed about 250 million years since mammals evolved on earth and we only have another 250 million left before most of the world is no longer habitable.