Tech Insider
Shailene Woodley in 3 different roles

Shailene Woodley is always chasing butterflies.

Not literal ones, of course. The metaphorical kind — the internal fluttering when she reads a script and immediately resonates with a character or finds out who's attached to the project and knows with certainty that she needs to be part of it.

Tech Insider
TV screen on red carpet

Move over, paid streamers — free TV is having its revenge.

Tech Insider
Woman with two phones around her face -- one with a card going in and the other with cash coming out

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Wannapa Suprasert, a 28-year-old from Thailand now based in San Francisco who was scammed out of over $300,000. The following has been edited for length and clarity.

Tech Insider : Travel, Travel
Photocollage of Micky and Minnie Mouse alongside a map of Florida, the Disney Castle, an airplane, a suitcase, and decorative star stickers
Getting to the "most magical place on Earth" is getting more expensive.