Tech Insider
An annotated image shows an orca pulling out the liver from a whale shark.
An annotated still from the video. Divers have captured rare footage of a killer whale ripping out the liver from a shark.
Tech Insider
A Sand Tiger Shark (Carcharias Taurus) swims among reefs near South Africa
Sand tiger sharks are also known as ragged-tooth sharks because of their jagged chompers.
Tech Insider
A bull shark comes close to inspect a tourist's camera during an eco tourism shark dive off in Florida on May 5, 2022.
A bull shark comes close to inspect a tourist's camera during an eco tourism shark dive off in Florida on May 5, 2022.
Tech Insider : Environment
A still from a video shows a shark lit by a single source light. It's gills are almost invisible.
A video caught at in deep sea shows a hammerhead shark. Its gills look almost invisible as it holds its breath.

Ninja Vs. Shark. It’s a movie. A real movie, one coming to theaters in Japan next month. It even has a real trailer, which is without question the most ludicrously violent, and violently silly, movie trailer I have ever seen.

Tech Insider : Travel
People look at the model of a great white shark, which is decorated with a rainbow sleeve
The Australian Museum said it's "blown away by all of the love" being shown for Progress Shark.
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Bull shark
Bull sharks often frequent river systems that brings them into contact with humans.
Tech Insider
Great White Shark Mouth Open
A diver was decapitated by a 19-foot-long great white shark in Mexico in the first fatal shark attack of the year.