Tech Insider
More than 250 million people from around the world visit Indeed's website each month.
Tech Insider
Tesla vehicles sitting on the lot at a Tesla dealership.
Tesla is walking back offers of employment for full time staff.
Tech Insider
Man walking by Google logo
Google is among the Big Tech companies that are continuing to cut workers.
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Sundar Pichai portrait
Sundar Pichai said Google's layoffs have been intentional.
Tech Insider
Tesla CEO Elon Musk
Elon Musk told staff Tesla planned to cut more than 10% of its workforce in April.
Tech Insider
Declan Rhodes said his last day at Foxtrot felt like
Declan Rhodes said his last day at Foxtrot felt like the horror movie "The Purge."
Tech Insider
A composite image of Elon Musk and the parking lot of the Tesla factory in Fremont, California.
Tesla CEO Elon Musk told staff Tesla would cut more than 10% of its workforce.