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Costco vs Walmart
Costco topped the ASCI list of general merchandise retailers with the most satisfied customers, while Walmart came in last place.
Tech Insider
Costco food court Covid
  • Costco's food court is known for cheap fast-food staples such as $1.50 all-beef hot dogs.
  • A Reddit post went viral after someone posted a picture of a new menu item.
  • But some are balking at the price of the $9.99 roast beef sandwich. 


Tech Insider
Costco may open a new store at the bottom of an apartment building, an atypical format for the big box retailer.
Tech Insider
Teacher turned Costco worker Maggie Perkins
Maggie Perkins, 30, spent years as a teacher before her burnout forced her to quit. Now, she's enjoying life as a Costco employee.