Tech Insider
Yellow robotic arms sort recyclables on a conveyer belt.
AI could modernize the waste industry and boost recycling rates.
Tech Insider

Conventional recycling techniques don't work on wind turbine blades. Now, an Ohio startup is turning them into park benches and planters. But how much trash will the wind energy industry create?

Tech Insider

One ton of circuit boards from old e-waste can contain 100 times more gold than a ton of mined gold. Now, scrappers like Wade Crawley in Sydney, Australia, are cashing in. He's partnered with Mint Innovation, a company that invented a safer and cleaner way to recover precious metals from electronics.

Tech Insider : Business
Danny Pormes and Erna Pordes-Redecker work at FastFeetGrinded, their shoe recycling company.
Danny Pormes and Erna Pordes-Redecker work at FastFeetGrinded, their shoe recycling company.
Gizmodo : Environment

Americans tossed 292.4 million tons of trash into landfills in 2018, or about 5 pounds of garbage per person per day.

Tech Insider
A photo of aluminum cans at a recycling center in California.
Recycling facilities are struggling to find enough workers. Now, some are turning to robotics that, in some cases do a better job than humans.