Abigale Berwager Schreier and her son
The author and her son
  • Everyone warned me the early toddler years were going to be hard, but 4 has been the hardest. 
  • Experts agree it's their struggle between needing connection and wanting to do things their way.
  • Tantrums are expected, but if they last over 15 minutes, a psychotherapist suggests outside help.

Seasoned parents told me to beware of the terrible 2s. Nobody prepared me for the "threenager," or the 4-year-old going on 16 who is my son. 

The 2s were a breeze — enjoyable, even. But my 4-year-old acts like an angsty teen with a chip on his shoulder (minus the acne and body odor). I often feel verbally abused, manipulated, and not cool enough for him — and I'm a grown-up.