A picture from nuclear tests, codenamed Stokes, involving airships in 1957 during Operation Plumbbob.
A picture from nuclear tests, codenamed Stokes, involving airships in 1957 during Operation Plumbbob.
  • In 1957, the US military tested whether or not airships could withstand a nuclear blast.
  • Airships were popular in naval combat and briefly considered for the delivery of nuclear weapons. 
  • In the 1950s, the military tried to nuclearize almost anything it could, a nuclear history expert said.

Almost seven decades ago, the US military wanted to see if its airships — more commonly called blimps — could be potential carriers of nuclear weapons for anti-submarine warfare, so it blasted a few of them with nukes to find out.

The tests were a part of Operation Plumbbob's 24 above-ground nuclear tests from May to October 1957.