Ashley Stoyanov Ojeda
Ashley Stoyanov Ojeda is a consultant and author
  • Ashley Stoyanov Ojeda started her consulting business after seeing a hole in Latina representation. 
  • In March 2022, she published a business guidebook called "Jefa in Training."
  • She reveals why diversifying her offerings and writing a book helped establish her as an expert.

Ashley Stoyanov Ojeda was building her consulting career when she realized there was a lack of Latina representation in business. As the daughter of a Mexican woman, Stoyanov Ojeda wished she saw or heard more people like herself on the cover of business magazines or speaking on business podcasts.

"There was this need for a resource, a guide for Latina entrepreneurs,"  Stoyanov Ojeda told Insider. "If you look at all of the big business podcasts, books, and people that we look up to, they're all white."