boy sleeping in bedroom
  • Bedtime stories with my five-year old are the favorite time of the day for my husband and me.
  • The challenge is coming up with new stories, so I used ChatGPT to come up with bespoke, fun tales.
  • With the help of our son, we write prompts for ChatGPT and then read that story before sleep time. 

Bedtime routine is often the biggest stress point of the day, especially if you have eager little ones with a long wish list of bedtime stories.

We start with a Gruffalo to a "Peppa Pig" and then go to "Jack and the Beanstalk," Elmer, the "Cave Baby" and we are still on the hunt for more. Sigh!

Bedtime stories are a big thing in our household. It's also the best part of the day for my husband and me because we get to spend time doing something creative with our son.