Klaus Bensmann, a man with a long white beard, glasses and a tape measure hanging around his neck stands in his tailor shop.
Klaus Bensmann has been making authentic lederhosen since 1985 with the help of his wife and two women, who help with stitching.
  • Munich is preparing for Oktoberfest, an autumn festival known for its beer and traditional clothing.
  • Klaus Bensmann is a tailor who has been handmaking leather lederhosen for the past 38 years.
  • Many Bavarians don't mind paying for Bensmann's lederhosen, which can cost 1,500-1,800 euros.

BAD HINDELANG, Germany (AP) — As Germany's city of Munich prepares to tap the kegs for Oktoberfest this weekend, Bavaria state residents and foreign regulars of the world's most conspicuous beer party are getting ready to drink and celebrate while showing off their traditional lederhosen and dirndl dresses.