a woman packing moving boxes
Source not pictured.
  • Veronica Scofield is a nonprofit fundraiser who has made seven work-related moves since 2015.
  • She says she's grateful she's been able to see so many parts of the country and meet new people.
  • But moving so often also comes with challenges, like the high cost and being away from family.

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Veronica Scofield, a 33-year-old nonprofit fundraiser currently based in Minneapolis. It has been edited for length and clarity.

Since 2015, I've moved seven times in search of greener pastures, better jobs, and cooler cities. I'm a nonprofit fundraiser, and when new opportunities have come up in new places, I've been eager to take them.

I grew up in North Carolina, and I've lived in Tennessee, Wisconsin, Colorado, Maine, and Minnesota, where I'm currently based.