Alex Grendi is a self-taught men's sex coach.
"I know a lot of women feel short-changed when it comes to orgasms. But men are often really embarrassed about that too," Grendi said.
  • Alex Grendi is a men's sex coach who sells a $3,000 virtual course with access to a support group.
  • Grendi became a sex coach after overcoming a personal, more than decade-long struggle with performance anxiety. 
  • He shared how he created the 12-week course, and what clients get out of it.

From the time Alex Grendi was 10 years old, he remembers his parents talking about sex.

"They were the most sexually liberated parents I knew," Grendi told Business Insider. Their candid conversations wore off on him, and he remembers being the classmate who taught his less privy peers what a blow job was.