Miles Goodloe (left), Domenic Boresta (middle), and Robert Oszust Jr. (right) are all HENRYs.
Miles Goodloe (left), Domenic Boresta (middle), and Robert Oszust Jr. (right) are all HENRYs.
  • HENRYs — high earners, not rich yet — are a wide-ranging group often making over $100,000.
  • Despite making a lot, many are worried about investing enough for their futures and paying off debts.
  • Business Insider spoke to six HENRYs across the country about how they're saving amid high inflation.

Miles Goodloe, 34, has finally made it — he's a HENRY.

After years of school and work, he's expected to make over $100,000 working in technology education — granting him the stepping-stone status of high earner, not rich yet.