photo of a person comparing the zoom-in abilities of the iPhone 15 Pro Max and Samsung S23 Ultra.
iPhone 15 Pro Max users are ecstatic over the phone camera's 5x zoom-in abilities, but Samsung fans say the S23 Ultra blows it out of the water.
  • iPhone 15 Pro Max users are showing off the phone's 5x zoom abilities on TikTok. 
  • Samsung fans pointed out that they've enjoyed super zoom on the Galaxy S23 Ultra since February.
  • The Samsung Galaxy S23 Ultra can zoom in twice as much, to 10x.

It's a cycle that many Android owners are used to by now. A new iPhone comes out, introducing a new feature to Apple fans that generates buzz but that Android owners have been enjoying for months — and sometimes years.

The latest example is the 5x telephoto camera on Apple's top-of-the-line smartphone, the iPhone 15 Pro Max.