Bayraktar TB2 drone in Poland
A Bayraktar TB2 at a defense industry exhibition in Poland in September 2022.
  • Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drones were a valuable weapon for Ukraine after Russia invaded last year.
  • The TB2 drone has lost much of its utility as Russia's military has adapted to its use, however.
  • But the firm behind the TB2 is investing in Ukraine, and its other drones may see action there.

After months of use by Ukrainian troops, the Turkish-made Bayraktar TB2 drone appears to have lost some utility, in part because of the Russian military's adaptations to it and Ukraine's other drones.

Despite that trend, the drone's manufacturer, Baykar, has announced ambitious plans to construct a plant in Ukraine, a project indicating that despite the TB2's perceived shortcomings, Bayraktar drones still have a future in Ukrainian service.