Monique Herena.
Monique Herena.
  • Monique Herena is the chief colleague experience officer at American Express. 
  • Herena said it's good to "get better and evolve and make changes." 
  • Herena's insights are part of Business Insider's year-end leadership series, "Looking Ahead 2024."

The last few years haven't been without challenges, but there have been great opportunities to learn as well, Monique Herena told Business Insider.

She serves as the chief colleague experience officer at American Express.

One of her major takeaways from 2023 is that evolution is key.

"We need to be able to evolve and pivot where necessary," she said. It's key to "not have an ego." After all, just because "we rolled something out at one point doesn't mean we can't get better and evolve and make changes and listen."