Apple's App Store icon is shown as a blue square with rounded edges and three overlapping white lines forming the letter A

An app, short for "application," is a piece of software developed primarily for use on a phone, tablet, or other mobile, wireless device.

If you use an iPhone or iPad, you are using an app every time you check the weather, look at your calendar, watch a Netflix show, or hop on Instagram.

Some apps are native to iPhones, meaning they come pre-installed. These include the Clock app, the Compass, the Camera, Calendar, and the App Store.

Some of these built-in iOS apps, like the Phone, Camera, Photos, and Safari apps, can't be deleted. And the App Store app — you can't delete that one, either.

To those basic (but useful) iPhone apps, you can add any of the nearly 2 million apps awaiting you in the App Store.