The food aisle in a T.K. Maxx store in London showing shelves of salt and sauces.
The food selection at a T.K. Maxx store in London.
  • Some shoppers are skeptical about T.J. Maxx's food aisle and whether the products are good quality. 
  • But T.J. Maxx works with smaller food vendors you might not have heard of before.
  • Its food aisle is part of a strategy to broaden its range beyond apparel and get shoppers to spend more.

The internet doesn't know what to make of T.J. Maxx's food aisle.

On TikTok, content creators are divided about whether to buy food from the retailer, best known for its discount apparel. Some question whether the food is good quality and within date, while others say it's value for money and they can try new and unusual products.