Dwight Eisenhower talks into Georgy Zhukov's ear while a third general, Bernard Montgomery, looks on. All three are holding glasses before a toast.
British Gen. Bernard Montgomery, left, US Gen. Dwight Eisenhower, center, and Soviet Gen. Georgy Zhukov, before a toast on June 10, 1945.
  • Worsening relations between the Allies after World War II meant no commerce between East and West.
  • That was an issue for Soviet Gen. Georgy Zhukov, who came to like Coca-Cola during the war.
  • The US tried to get Coke to Zhukov to keep at least one friend across the Iron Curtain.
  • See more stories on Insider's business page.

As World War II ended and the Iron Curtain fell over Eastern Europe, relations deteriorated between the Soviet Union and its Western allies.