Therapist Ruth Westheimer addressed sexual-performance issues during her radio show
Therapist Ruth Westheimer, who died at 96, addressed sexual-performance issues during her radio show "Sexually Speaking."
  • Dr. Ruth Westheimer, an internationally renowned sex therapist, has died at age 96.
  • Born in Germany to Jewish parents, Westheimer escaped the Holocaust as a child. She never saw her parents again.
  • Westheimer became known for her candid sex advice and good-natured attitude on her 1980s radio show "Sexually Speaking."

Dr. Ruth Westheimer, the legendary sex therapist, media personality, and Holocaust survivor who died Friday aged 96 years old, loved turtles.

She collected figurines of them, and clustered them into her living room in New York City. In 2015, Westheimer even wrote a children's book, "Leopold," starring a turtle.