Judy Craymer came up with the idea for "Mamma Mia!" which opened in London in 1999.
  • Judy Craymer came up with the idea of using Abba songs in a musical — and won the band's permission.
  • "Mamma Mia!" has been playing in London for 25 years and ran on Broadway for 14 years.
  • The musical has spawned two "Mamma Mia!" movies — and Craymer wants to do a third film.   

Meryl Streep, Pierce Brosnan, and Colin Firth are just some of the big names Judy Craymer has worked with as the producer of "Mamma Mia!" — the movie that cost just over $50 million but took almost $700 million. That made it one of 2008's biggest hits.