Anti-bullying lawyer Stefanie Costi poses for the camera.
Anti-bullying lawyer Stefanie Costi shared how you know you are being managed out of your job.
  • Workplace bullying erodes confidence and mental health, impacting personal and professional lives.
  • One subtle sign of workplace bullying is being "managed out" by your superior.
  • Anti-bullying lawyer Stefanie Costi shares how you know it is happening to you.

Stefanie Costi left her job as a senior partner at a law firm with PTSD.

It took her two years to talk about it, but when she finally did, her post on LinkedIn blew up.

It reached 1.2 million people, and she received more than 2,000 messages thanking her for speaking out.

"So I knew that it was universal across all different industries," Costi told Business Insider.