Jeff Turner counterfeited over $1 million in US currency. He forged the 1996-series $100 bill and later the 2013 "blue note." He was indicted on federal conspiracy charges in 2019 and cooperated with the Secret Service, eventually serving 10 months in prison. Turner speaks to Business Insider about how to spot a fake US bank note and how the cartels forge dollars in Colombia and Peru. He now runs a YouTube channel and works as a professional printer.

Robert Mazur is a former government agent who investigated drug-money laundering for the US Drug Enforcement Administration, the Internal Revenue Service intelligence division, and the Customs Service. He discusses how cartels launder their proceeds from drug smuggling. Mazur is the author of "The Infiltrator" and "The Betrayal" and consults globally with his company, KYC Solutions, on the threat of money laundering.